Thursday, December 13, 2007

And so the roller coaster continues....

For those of you who have followed this pregnancy and developments along the way, you may recall points where I shared significant details we'd learned. For us, there are some dates that were very important. Like, on August 7, we learned we were having a baby boy, and that I had placenta previa which was something we knew we'd have to watch. Then, on Oct. 24, Dr. McKenzie and I discussed how so far the placenta hadn't moved and there was still a 70% chance it might not and I'd have a c-section? Then, you know how on Nov. 19 I posted how great it was that the placenta had moved and our prayers had been answered? Well, add today, December 13 to the list of dates when we had to re-think things again. :-)

Today was the scheduled ultrasound and check-up to get a recent update on where the placenta is, because the last 2 weeks of spotting and all had Dr. McKenzie concerned that maybe it wasn't moved over as far as we'd hoped. Mom was in town, and that was great, to have her go along to the appointment with James and me. My sweet friend Jamie kept Isaac and Abigail, and I am so glad they were able to be with her, because it turned into 4 hours at the hospital!! The office was running behind when we got there, and it just got more backed up when Dr. McKenzie was called downstairs to deliver a baby. We did the ultrasound first, which gave us another look at our sweet boy, and pertinent information. Unfortunately, it wasn't necessarily the news we'd hoped for. Our hope was that his weight and pressure as he'd moved down lower would cause the placenta to shift on up more out of the way, since it was just marginally close anyway. However, instead it's just compressed the edge of the placenta right there, just 1 centimeter away from the edge of the cervix. The tech was concerned and repeatedly looked at it from different angles and took pictures for Dr. Mc to see. Then, we had the fun part of seeing Elijah's precious face, full lips, and profile that look so much like Abigail's. He had his little hand up by his mouth and eyes again, rubbing one eye just like Isaac does when he's tired. We saw him blink too, and it was such a cute moment! Overall, he measured a week or so ahead, though his little round belly measured at 41 weeks!! Sheesh!! Afterwards we headed out to the waiting room to wait a while longer till Dr. Mc was back upstairs. Mom, James, and I discussed what we predicted he'd say, and all thought a c-section was looking more like the plan now.

When he came in, we were all anxiously awaiting his opinion of the situation. We knew from his comments last week, that he wasn't really thrilled with my going into labor if the placenta was so close, because of the risk of the placenta separating (abrupting) and putting Elijah into danger during a vaginal delivery. He started by saying that the sonogram gave him great photos of Elijah, that he looks great, healthy, and a wonderful size. Then, he reminded us of how we have all along known that a c-section was a possibility. He said though sometimes he knows he's delivered babies and wondered why the mom had such severe bleeding, because no previa was diagnosed, and though it was hard and somewhat scary, they turned out o.k. However, he said, when he had information staring him in the face, he had to make a plan beforehand. He said he just wasn't thrilled with the placenta still being so close to the cervix, and that he knew it just meant things would be very complicated during a vaginal delivery for myself and the baby. After questions and discussion for all the reasons for and against, we all understand and agree that it's the best plan to go ahead and plan for a c-section, whether I go into labor on my own or not. If I do, then he'll still be delivered surgically, and if I haven't by the 27th, that will be our baby boy's birthday!

I think we're all fine with the news, even though it's almost humorous how we've gone back and forth with this whole subject. I have to think overall that this is a good thing - we know what we're dealing with, and that we have a smart plan to handle this the best we can to insure Elijah is born in as safe a manner as possible, with as little risk to me or him. On the 27th, he'll be 38 weeks and 2 days, which Dr. Mc said was a compromise. He'd like to wait till 39 weeks on one hand, but then said with E's size already estimated at over 7 1/2 pounds, he feels like it's safe to deliver him a little earlier to cut down on the chance of my going into labor. However, my Mom, James, and Dr. Mc (and every nurse in the office who came near us) all think I will go into labor before that date arrives. That's just the earliest he felt comfortable planning to deliver Elijah, because little white boys are known to be the most likely to have problems if they come early.

Until he's born, whenever that is, I have been put on total bedrest. When James asked Dr. Mc to clarify what I'm allowed to do, he said, "You can get up to fix something to eat, and to take a bath." I just sat there with my mouth open, and he said he just wants to get Elijah to be as big, healthy, and far along as possible. Mom asked him what about church, or just little quick trips where all I do is go in somewhere and sit the whole time. He jokingly said, "O.k. You know how in Baptist churches you'll have the 'prayer time for the shut ins'? You're the shut in." :-)

I'm very thankful for James' being off this week, which has allowed us to get even more last minute preparation done, and for friends who are already setting up meals to help us out during this time. I'm also happy it's only two weeks at the most that we'll have to get used to Mama being limited in activity. I have friends who have spent months on bedrest, with multiple pregnancies. Really, I am dealing with NOTHING compared to that. I really know we have a great situation overall here, and after waiting this long for this baby boy to come, I am happy to oblige and do whatever we need to, to get him these last few days of growing time. Please do pray for us as James heads back to work next week, that the kids will understand my limitations, that I'll obey the doctor's orders with a cheerful attitude, and that, again, God will bring Elijah at just the right time.


mindy said...

Excited for you. I know what it's like when you go from not really knowing to having more of a plan. I'll be praying for you...and making sure Dr. R comes to check on you when E makes his grand entrance.

Southern Cheesehead said...

I love our docs sooooo much. I've had 2 c-sections with them...with both of the Dr. Rs...even though Dr. A is my primary - he didn't get to deliver either of my babies. My first was an emergency c...very scary. The second was planned because I wanted to "stick with what I knew" water broke early though. I will be praying for you guys. You need to obey those doctor's orders. They know what they're talking about and you need to make sure he gets here as healthy as possible!

Neely said...

I am praying for you and the arrival of your blessed Elijah. It was just a year ago, that I was in your shoes and My precious Micah was born by C-section on December 26, which happens to be my bday too. i was on the bedrest too with Micah for the last 2 weeks before his arrival. So, I know the joy, the anticipation, and the excitement. I also had marginal previa with Noah, but it did clear, but he too was delivered by Csection due to the fact that I didn't progress. I love you guys and have blessed holiday.