Tuesday, December 11, 2007

36 weeks

YEA! We're in the homestretch now, in this last month of pregnancy! We're all thankful that James is home this week, and are enjoying his help with this mostly recliner-bound mama unable to do the normal errands and stuff.

Elijah seems permanently stuck on my right side, and though he's hovered there most of the pregnancy, he's become more stubborn these last days. Most of the day, he's curved over there, so snuggled down, with his bottom in the air, making my belly stick way out, so that it's noticeable to others. I look like I have some alien coming out of my belly! It would be funny if it wasn't so uncomfortable. I can usually gently rub on that area, and coax him to rearrange a little, but always goes back to the same spot. It really is funny to see.

Though Sunday was a busy day with church and then a live nativity that Abigail's preschool choir sang in, I enjoyed going to both services, just paid for it later. That afternoon, we timed several hours of contractions that were 3 minutes apart, and lasting a minute each. Then they gradually settled down before the nativity that night, spreading out and not as consistent. However, after an hour of standing there, on the way home I noticed they'd returned. They were regularly coming again, every 3 minutes, from around 7 pm until 10 pm when we finally decided to check in with the doctor. Dr. Mc was on call and we talked about everything. I wasn't too concerned it was actual labor, because they were not getting stronger, but before James went in to work at 11, he wanted to just touch base. Dr. Mc said he felt that I was o.k., that it was an encouraging sign that things might be progressing, but he thought we'd still have a little while to go. I agreed and James felt reassured, so he went on in for his last shift of the week. It was a tiring evening, but after drinking some extra water sometime after midnight, the contractions finally drifted away into nothing, thankfully. Monday was an easier day with very few contractions, just fatigue. So, though today there has been a little more activity, it's still been relatively calm and we're thankful. We're counting the days till Granddaddy returns. My Dad is in Oregon on business this week, so we keep joking that of course, this week is when Elijah will be born, because Granddaddy is across the country. Hopefully, we can have the whole family there though, when he makes his grand entrance.


Southern Cheesehead said...

hey girl! OMG...didn't know you were prego...congrats! I found you again through Brad's blog and have been going to the wrong blog for you I guess because it hasn't been updated since Oct and I kept thinking..oh well, she's busy. I guess that's an understatement.

Congrats...I just love our docs, don't you? They're wonderful and always comforted me during pregnancies, but I'm done with those! We're looking into adoption when we go on our mission trip to Mexico December 28th.

Tell James hello for me and your dad! I'm glad you guys are doing well...be praying for you and the safe delivery of your new precious little one!

Missy said...

Home stretch!
Praying all goes well for you.
It's been fun reading about your pregnancy.