Wednesday, July 25, 2007

16 week newsflash

I'm 90% sure I've been feeling a "quickening" this week, on several different occasions. It's so amazing to feel this tiny little person wiggling around in me, fluttering here and there. When I got our doppler out last night, I put the probe on my belly before I even turned it on. When I hit the power button, immediately, we could hear that fast little chugging sound! James spun around with his eyes wide, and said, "How did you know right where to put it?! You have never found it that quickly!" I said I knew right where the baby was, because I had felt him or her moving right there off and on during the day. What a blessing!

Monday, July 16, 2007

15 weeks

Our little baby is now the size of an orange! I'm feeling well, and am anxiously awaiting the day I feel him or her move. Hopefully it won't be long.

Several folks have asked if we have names picked out, and though we've tossed a lot around, we're not settled on anything really. I think it's just too hard to go there till we know if we're looking at naming a he or she! We do know it'll begin with a vowel, since for some reason, that's our theme...Isaac, Abigail... Feel free to throw any suggestions into the hat!

Monday, July 9, 2007

14 week appointment

Today I had a check-up with Dr. McKenzie. The nurse found the heartbeat right away and it was loud and wonderfully strong-sounding. Dr. McKenzie was happy all my labs from last time came back great - no anemia, protein, or other abnormality. I've gained 2 pounds during the first trimester, and he felt everything looked and seemed perfect. He could feel my uterus "pooching" in my abdomen, and said I'd probably be feeling the baby moving soon. We have an appointment set up for August 7 to find out what this baby is, so are super excited about that. Just four more weeks of wondering!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

One third of the way down, 6 months to go!

Yippee!! I'm entering my second trimester this week! What a nice thing to be able to say.

I guess after some losses among our family and friends the past few weeks, I'm feeling a little introspective. Not melancholy really, just still pondering the whole 'His ways are not ours' thing. We are continually so thankful that God has blessed us with this pregnancy, and that we've made it this far. I have too many dear friends who have lost babies, and the shock and pain they've experienced just overwhelm me to even think about. We haven't taken a day of this pregnancy for granted, and I have tried hard to say how grateful I am, even on days I haven't felt so great physically. Emotionally, I am constantly amazed at how our request has been answered, yet others who I love and pray for so much, are still longing for a baby of their own. It's another example of His blessing us beyond our understanding, and not necessarily having anything to do with what we deserve.

Just this past week, my cousin's sweet wife who is expecting their first baby this fall, was in a car accident. It could've been one of those horrible, rolled vehicle stories you read about in the newspaper the next day, but this one had a happy ending. Though very scary and dramatic, after a day of being in the hospital, both Julie and baby Emerson are all right. We prayed a whole lot during that 24 hours, I promise you. We're more thankful than we can say that God chose to answer our prayers by preserving their lives and health.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Just peachy - week 13!!!

Yea - the last week of the first trimester. I'm so excited and amazed at how quickly these first few months have gone by. Except for when it was dragging by because I was so green around the gills and wanted to never see or smell or look at food again. Other than that, it's flown by.

Our little baby is the size of a peach now, another food to add to Abi's list to remember. My email update said today that the faintness and dizzy spells I've had since this weekend are to be expected, which is encouraging since I thought I was going bonkers. Apparently as the uterus is moving upwards and expanding into my abdomen, this is a common phenomenon. I don't remember it happening with Abigail, but that doesn't mean it didn't necessarily.

Hope you all have a wonderful 4th! Happy Birthday America!