Thursday, June 28, 2007

Development at 12 weeks

I love these updates I subscribe to that keep me posted on what is happening with our "kiwi-sized" little one. Abigail loves to go through the foods our baby's resembled at different points - first a grain of rice, then a small bean, then an olive, then an egg, and now a kiwi. :-) This week it said:

Your baby's skin is sensitive and will respond to stimulation or touch. If you could touch its face, it will open its mouth, in what is known as the rooting reflex. The newly formed muscles are still weak. The gall bladder, pancreas, and thyroid are nearly complete.

Isn't that awesome?! I just love it.

12 weeks!

And hormones are a-ragin'! :-( Actually, I've been feeling great emotionally, then today was just a hard one. Not sure if it can all be blamed on pregnancy or not, but talking it out to my sweet Mom and a couple of friends helped. Crying over everything, and feeling like a worthless parent and friend were the main issues today. It's almost humorous, except at the moment it's happening, it's pretty discouraging. I'm happy that so far this pregnancy has been moving along pretty swiftly, and has been routine in most ways. I'm focusing on being thankful for the ups AND downs!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Maybe we've turned a corner...

News Flash - I haven't been sick since last Thursday. Then, last night, I only awoke once to go to the restroom, and didn't even need a snack. AND, today I didn't even take a nap. I'm praying that all this points to the fact that maybe the hardest part of the all-day sickness and fatigue are over. YEA! I'm so thankful.

What to Expect - 11 weeks

I just think it's amazing how rapidly our tiny baby is growing, and here are details. We're so thankful that we've been able to find the heartbeat nightly since last week, at home. The kids just love hearing it, and Abigail gets down to my belly and says, "Hey! It's Abigail. I'm your big sister!"

Week 11: The Budding Acrobat Takes on Yoga

Slightly more than two inches long now and weighing about a third of an ounce, your fetus is growing by leaps and bounds. And so is his or her head, which is equal in length to the rest of the body (don't worry — all fetuses are top-heavy).

On the crown of that large head (and over the rest of the body), hair follicles are forming. Fingernail and toenail beds begin to develop this week and by next week, the nails themselves will start to grow (so don't forget to add a baby nail clipper to your to-buy list).

Your baby's body is straightening and his or her torso is lengthening (sounds like a yoga pose, doesn't it?). Other poses your baby can assume now: stretches, somersaults, and forward rolls. And while you can't tell this baby's gender by its cover yet, testes are developing if it's a boy and ovaries if it's a girl.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Beautiful Baby

If you look closely, you can see features of our sweet baby's face - even nose, mouth, ears and eyes. The arms and legs were very visible on the video, but harder to distinguish here. You can click on the photo for a closer look. We praise God for this little blessing!

10 week update

Finally! After days of feeling particularly yucky, I've returned to the land of the living today! Tuesday James and I went for my 10 week check up. We were so thrilled to hear our little one's heartbeat, which is a precious "chugga chugga" sound! Dr. McK felt like things are going really well. He again told us how thrilled he is, and how meaningful it is to see us reach this point, after journeying with us for years to get here. He mentioned how Scripture says God delights in blessing His children, and that it's even sweeter to hear the beating heart of this baby after longing for him/her for so long.

Because of some spotting I've had for a week, he wanted to rule out any hematoma or other problem, so we were able to see the baby again, this time on the big plasma sonogram screen! That tiny baby was wiggling arms and legs everywhere. It was thrilling to see how active he/she is, and how much detail in growth has happened in just a few weeks. There were no problems seen at all, and the tech said our baby was just beautiful! Of course, since he/she's only the size of an olive, it's hard to see much detail, but we still agreed! It was also interesting that the baby measured 11 weeks, 2 days, which is a week farther along than I am. So, we'll see if that changes or hold steady.

Last night we were able to hear the heartbeat ourselves, with the doppler James bought off of eBay. Tonight we found it again (after lots of trying) and Isaac and Abigail heard it, as well as grandparents via telephone! :-) Yea for technology!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

9 weeks today!

This was taken from "What to Expect" today. Fun info!!

Would you believe your baby is having his or her first graduation already? Yes, it's true: Your scholar-to-be has ended his or her embryonic stage and is entering the fetal period now (good-bye embryo, hello fetus). Your fetus is now about one inch long, the size of a medium green olive (but no martinis, please). The head has straightened out and is more fully developed, the ears are much more prominent, and some new organs (the liver, spleen, and gallbladder) are forming. Your fetus is also making spontaneous movements of his or her arms and legs now that minuscule muscles are beginning to develop, though you won't feel your tiny dancer for at least another two months.