Monday, November 19, 2007

Latest, great news!

We were thrilled today to have a sonogram to check out our baby boy, and the position of the placenta. As many of you have prayed, God answered our prayers they way we specifically requested, and it has almost resolved! YEA!!! The tech said that it is still considered a marginal previa, but with Elijah now in position with his head down, as he moves further down, that he'll probably help it totally get out of the way. This is such a great thing, meaning we should not have to do a c-section, and I can deliver him vaginally as I'd desired.

It was harder to see his face today, because he is squished down so low, and is facing up into my abdomen right now, but we were able to catch little glimpses, and see his heart beating well, his cute, round tummy, and legs, feet, hands and arms. So sweet...the kids again loved seeing their little brother, and commented on how cute he is. And, of course, we're not biased at all. :-) He is still measuring ahead, and at a pretty good size. I'll be at the 33 week tomorrow, and the tech said he is just under 5 1/2 pounds. We are tickled he's growing well, and happy to know that as of now, things look just wonderfully well.

We were waiting for a minute on the nurse to check my blood pressure and weight (both were good), and Dr. McKenzie saw us and came in to say hi. He said though they'd like the placenta a couple of centimeters away from the cervix, he was pleased and felt that the tech was right, and that it'll probably continue to shift a little. He said even if it didn't, he saw no reason we couldn't plan on a vaginal delivery. He was very happy for us, and agreed that God had answered our prayers in a terrific way.

I had my quick visit with Dr. Radbill, and the nurse who showed me to the room commented as she was putting my chart in the door, "You're not even 33 weeks and this baby is measuring 5 pounds, 6 oz.?! Wow!" [I'm getting a lot of that, and comments on how big he's going to be, when who really knows?! :-)] Dr. Radbill was pleased with the change in the placenta and my measuring, and is very encouraging that things are going well. Other than sore, swollen feet still, I have no complaints or concerns. I'll go back in two weeks for just a regular visit.

Thank you for encouraging us as we waited for this day, and for the prayers you've lifted. A caesarean would not be an awful thing, but I really had hoped to avoid yet another surgery if possible. My mom was overjoyed with the news today, especially because of the complications of that ovarian remnant possibly needing to be dealt with, my propensity for bleeding insanely, and the history I have with my blood pressure bottoming out during previous surgeries/anesthesia. We're all relieved that those things just won't have to be a concern anymore, as far as we can tell. What a wonderful bunch of praises to add to our Thanksgiving list of things to be grateful for!!


Todd said...
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Unknown said...

That is so incredibly great!!!!!!

Tanya said...

That is so wonderful!! I'm so excited to hear the good news!

Graced said...

Thank you, God!

Amy said...

YEA!!!! Such great news...

-C said...

Good stuff. I met a new friend today ... a one-week old little girl. :) The little newborn noises touched my heart again. They're so darn cute. So happy for you.

Jackie said...

That's wonderful news!!