Tuesday, September 25, 2007

25 weeks

Well, I can't believe I haven't posted in so long. The email update I received today reminded me I hadn't, when I read that my uterus is about the size of a soccer ball. That is no shock to anyone I've seen recently, since it looks like I have swallowed one, and since Elijah seems to think he's in a match with David Beckham or something, with all this kicking. :-) I sure am happy to feel it though, especially in light of other families who have never experienced the blessing of a pregnancy. I was reminded again today of the struggle many face in trying to have a baby, and thanked God again for our busy little boy.

My update also said that E's "skin is turning pinker. No, not because he's getting overheated (in fact, the amniotic fluid is perfectly climate controlled, keeping him at an always comfortable temperature), but because small blood vessels, called capillaries, are forming under the skin and filling with blood. Later this week, blood vessels will also develop in your baby's lungs, bringing them one step closer to full maturity — and one step closer to taking that first breath of fresh air. But those lungs are still very much works in progress. Though they are already beginning to develop surfactant, a substance that will help the lungs expand after the baby is born, the lungs are still too undeveloped to sufficiently send oxygen to the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide when he or she exhales. In his gums, buds for permanent teeth line up behind baby teeth. He's practicing using his arms and legs (I would certainly agree!), but his skin is still loose and wrinkly, and hangs like a too-big pair of pants."

I had a weird episode today that was almost scary, until I told James and we both realized what probably had happened. I went out early this morning to water the recently planted mums and pansies, and also kept leaning over to pull up weeds. After about a half hour of this, I got very light-headed and my heart was hurting so bad, I felt like I was going to pass out. I sat down, in the yard, trying to process what was happening, and caught my breath a little. I could hear my pulse so loudly in my head it was wild! I then walked slowly on in the house, but by the time I got in there, was so faint, and hurting so bad, I jokingly (kinda) told James I thought I was about to die of a heart attack. Once I sat for just a minute, I was fine, just tired-feeling. Describing it to him and thinking about what triggered it, we both assume this is one of those vena cava issues I've heard of later in the pregnancy. With the pressure of the enlarging uterus on my organs , and my repeated bending over, I guess I was cutting off my own blood circulation, and my heart was letting me know it!

Since James had just gotten home from working all night and was going to sleep, I was so thankful I recovered quickly, and didn't pass out in the yard! :-) I told him, as I leaned over to turn off the water faucet, I just knew I was going to keel over, and a few hours later when the kids got hungry enough, they'd have found me face-first in the flowerbed. So, no more bending and weeding, from now on. I'll have to just plop down and work, I reckon...

It's been a nesting kind of week, as James and I have been working on projects around the house to ready it for putting on the market. We are just about ready, and it's crazy, but exciting too. We have no idea that it will sell in this current market, but feel that God has told us to at least try. We're assuming if it doesn't sell we'll just figure out a way to squeeze in one more little person and a whole lot of baby stuff, and if it does sell, that God is truly providing us the opportunity to move. I've even been washing up baby clothes that are hand-me-downs, or were Isaac's and had been in the attic. It's nice to just have something to handle and do, relating to Elijah, in this last few months while we are just waiting on him to arrive. Isaac and Abigail love ooh-ing and aah-ing over the sweet, tiny clothes. It's very fun to share these times of anticipation with them, and see their excitement. We can't wait to meet you, little brother!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What was that?!

Wow. At 1:30 this morning, the yardwork and busyness of the day caught up with me, as I was awakened with some serious contractions. Being so out of it with sinus medication, I initially wanted to panic, until I realized the regular, consistent contractions weren't getting worse, but did last for over 4 hours. It was a long night/morning, since I couldn't sleep from the discomfort of them, until I finally became conscious enough to remember to drink something. After a glass of OJ and some banana bread, they stopped fairly quickly. I've had some more this evening, so am drinking often to keep really well hydrated since I know that can affect things. I'm trying to be positive and remember this is just good practice for my uterus. It just doesn't feel too great. Off to bed, to try to sleep while I can!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Our baby boy has a name, and....

Elijah is his name, oh! :-) Thanks for your contributions, opinions, and solicited advice. We've liked this name for years, and debated a couple of others we liked also, but it came down to the vote of big brother and sister. They both preferred it over Elliott, our second favorite "E" name. Both have the same meaning, "The Lord (Yahweh) is my God." So, that's official! However, we don't know for sure what we'll do for the middle name, which is funny, because we had Michael and Rose chosen for Isaac and Abigail's middle names before we knew their firsts! We'll keep you posted....I know you're all at the edge of your seats.

In other exciting news, we're 23 weeks into this pregnancy, and sinus crud has hit. I'm struggling with ear pressure, congestion, watery eyes, and all that fun stuff. I did have it bad with Abi too, but much earlier and for a long time. So, I'm trying to be positive and pray this doesn't go on forever. This weekend, something seemed to shift though, as far as his position, because though I'm still feeling him move often, and strongly, there is much less discomfort. I'm hopeful the placenta relocated to its rightful spot or something!

A happy thing today was that our beautiful bedding has arrived, making Elijah's arrival seem much closer. Something about seeing his quilt in our house makes me want to nest and set things up, though it's too soon, unnecessary right now, and we have no spot for him. We're working on attempting to put the house on the market, as insane as it seems, just to see what happens. We'd love to have more room before he comes, but also know it's unlikely we can sell in this awful market right now. So, if it does, we'll assume it's ordained of God, and pack up and move on. You can pray about that if you think of us. If it doesn't sell, we think it'll be easier to stay here and be content, despite the lack of space, knowing that God didn't open that door.

Here are some pictures of the crib bedding. It's precious, and will be something that hopefully will last several years, not just those first early baby years, since it would still be appropriate for a bigger boy. The main colors are khaki, white, chambray blue, and spring green, with some red, navy, darker green, and brown in the plaid trim.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

22 weeks

I had a good checkup today, and was encouraged that things seem to be measuring fine still. I've gained 4-5 pounds this last month, so that is good. As the nurse tried check the heartbeat with the Doppler, our silly boy gave her some swift kicks! She got tickled and said he sure was fiesty. I told her she just didn't know how much! :-) He is probably feeling so obvious and wiggly because he's the second baby and things are just more relaxed and easier to notice, according to Dr. R. I'll go back in a month for the fun glucose test and we'll see if anything with the placenta has changed. Please keep praying about that. Otherwise, we're doing well and looking forward to seeing him again on the next sonogram.