Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Friday!

You know, all along I've said this pregnancy was nothing like when I was expecting Abigail. That fact continues to be true, as this morning I awoke to some bleeding and wondered what in the world it was. After waiting a little bit, having another episode, but still no contractions, we called the dr.'s office. They said to come on in, considering that the placenta previa was still considered marginal, and that Abigail came a month early. We got ready fairly quickly, wondering if this was a false alarm, or if Elijah was really on his way. The kids were excited and hopeful he was, and James and I were praying he wasn't yet. :-)

We spent a couple of hours at the hospital, doing the routine urine, weight, and blood pressure check first, which were all great. I was having more cramping by then, but still nothing that felt like labor as far as I could tell. I talked to a nurse, explained what had happened, and compared it to the early labor with Abigail, which was the perfectly textbook scenario of my water breaking, mucous plug passing, and then contractions beginning. She could see Elijah was still pretty active, from all the jabs and pokes he was giving, and neither of us thought he'd dropped any. I waited a little longer to see Dr. R. and then he finally came in. At first he said he wasn't planning on doing an exam, because of the placenta, but as he checked my chart and saw it had moved, he decided to go ahead and see if anything was happening. He said Elijah is still up pretty high, and that my cervix seemed to not be doing anything at that point. So, he considered sending us for monitoring in Labor and Delivery, but then opted to just have a non-stress test done in the office. He feels the bleeding was due more to the placenta, but at this point, it's just hard to say.

We sat for a while watching the monitor read his movements and the irregular contractions I was having. Neither the dr. nor nurse was too concerned, and felt we were fine to go on home after that. They both said I needed to take it easy and be "a lady of leisure," which is a humorous statement to a mom of 2 at Christmas season. But, I know their point and will try to take it easy. Dr. McK saw us in the hall as we were leaving, and felt good about the results too, (he'd checked the test strip) and said for me to just not "check my brain at the door," because this also might indicate something will happen before too long. So, we're just waiting. :-) Who knows if we'll be back at the hospital in a day or 2, or if we'll still be hanging out till his due date? I'm praying he's here before the holidays, but am fine waiting till God decides he's ready. We don't want him here too early, obviously.

Today was a good trial run, and we know now the things we need to get done definitely before it's the real thing. Thanks for praying for us. We'll keep you posted if anything else happens!!


Unknown said...

What a day. You've been on my mind all day, now I know why. I'm praying with you that he doesn't come a minute before he is supposed to be here. Love you.

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!

Pamela said...

so woman of leasure how does it feel? Is there anything you need? Can we bring dinner by? Keep us posted