Saturday, October 6, 2007

Nice to meet you, too!

Here's the transcript of a nice conversation from last night. (Name changed to protect the innocent.)

P - "Hi, I don't think we've met....I'm Penelope."
Me - "Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Jennifer."
P - "So, when is your baby due?"
Me - "January 8."
P, looking absolutely astonished - "Wow! Are you sure it's not TWINS?!"
Me, glancing at my belly - "Ummm... yes..."

No, my feelings weren't hurt, but my sweet friend Jamie tried to take up for me, since I was too shocked to say much in response. She said something about my carrying so much of the weight right in my belly, and the lady just kinda drifted away. I enjoyed sharing the story all night, because it amazed me how bold this complete stranger was. Aren't people funny? Jamie said if the lady hadn't been wearing an Auburn shirt, she would've decked her for me. :-)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Don't you just love people? I was in the thrift store one day and I saw this tiny slip of a woman who was enormously pregnant, but she was so gorgeous I had to tell her how pretty she was. So I was behind her in line and I told her how great she looked. She told me thanks and then I asked if she was due soon. (she looked like she was about a size 2, but her belly was so far out that I thought she was killing time at the thrift store before going to have her baby). She said "not for another 3 months". My eyes widened (without me thinking about it) and I said "oh". She quickly countered with "it's twins". I hoped, for her sake, that she went a little early. I cannot even imagine the comments people made to her.