Wednesday, October 3, 2007

2/3 of the way there!

This morning I had another great doctor appointment. I did the fun glucose test also, and the results of it were great, so I'm so happy to have that behind me. That stuff tastes awful. Dr. McK gave me an overall good report, saying my weight gain was fine and he was pleased with how I seemed to be doing. We asked if he had any concerns about our Disney trip coming up in a week and a half and he said he felt that I was doing fine, so had no qualms about our flying or the busyness of the week. He suggested that I go get a follow-up ultrasound next week to check the placenta previa since it would be good to know what we're dealing with before traveling. He doesn't expect any problems though, even if it hasn't resolved itself. If it hasn't resolved by then, we'll check it again closer to the due date, and see what we're dealing with. It was nice to be reassured, and we're really looking forward to the trip with my family.

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