Wednesday, October 10, 2007

27 weeks, and a sonogram

We were so happy to be able to see our not-so-little pumpkin today, via the wonder of technology and sonogram. Here's a profile view of him, when his hands actually were not covering his face. He's about to move them right in front again though. :-)

After last week's appointment, Dr. McK wanted to get an updated view of the placenta and our baby boy this week. We happily complied, since we're eager to see him again, and also wanting to have recent info to take with us on our trip next week to Disney World, just in case anything crazy happened.

Libby, the wonderful tech who also did the big ultrasound in August, was there again, and took her time doing more measuring and detailed viewing. She noticed hair on his head, and loved how active he was, saying, "He hasn't stopped moving the whole time!" I laughed, and said, "No kidding!" He is a busy boy, and kept putting his hands near his mouth, and almost had a toe in there at one point. He looks so sweet and cozy. Isaac and Abigail both just loved seeing him again.

The update on the placenta previa is that it really hasn't changed. She said the placenta is still sitting on my cervix, but it's not inhibiting Elijah's growth any. I commented on how much chubbier his cheeks looked this time, and she replied, "Uh, yeah." I glanced at her, and she smiled and said, "Yes, he's growing just fine...he weighs about 3 pounds, 8 ounces." I said, "The email updates I get said he should be just over 2 pounds!" She said, "Right. He's measuring several weeks ahead." All along we've been told he was, but didn't have any measurements or details. I'm 27 weeks, 2 days, and Elijah is measuring between 29-31 weeks in different areas. His abdominal circumference placed him in the "greater than 98 percentile" and his head was 88% and femurs measured 98%. I asked her how accurate those measurements can be, and she said they are pretty reliable, since she took them multiple times each, from different angles, and the program generates the average.

So, based on today's information, the adjusted due date based on his physical development alone is more like December 21, instead of my actual due date of January 8. We know all this is just interesting at this point, and just encourages us that he's healthy and thriving, but may help us know later on what needs to happen about delivery if the placenta stays where it is. It's still too early to know what is best regarding a c-section or not, and there is time for the placenta to move, since there are cases that it does finally resolve by the 34 week check-up. So, we're just content knowing that things are fine for now, and will wait and see.

My biggest hope is that however he's delivered, if it is safe for him, and he's developed enough, that God would allow Elijah to be born in time for our precious friends Scott, Robin, and their family to meet him while they are here from Richmond. They are coming in on the 19th of December, and leaving the 24th, so I'm just praying God knows our hearts and deep desire to visit with ALL of our kids during the holidays and that He can work it out if He sees fit! I know He cares about our little desires and this is a pretty big one, so I'm praying specifically, and trusting that He'll do what's best. Either way, we are getting very excited about seeing far-away friends, and welcoming our sweet son before too much longer!

Check out his cute self here:
Lean your head to the right, and you're seeing him at the correct angle. He's curled up, with his hands up by his face. Sweet, sweet! This is the chubby cheek picture. :-) Next are the Tubbs' toes. Look at that big toe sticking out!


Unknown said...

How precious! I love the one of his face.

Amy said...

i love him!

Missy said...

Wow! Congratulations...I wish I was having a baby in the next room again!